receta bizcocho almendras chocolate vainilla y frambuesas

Almond sponge cake with chocolate, vanilla and raspberries

recetas con queso fresco
tiempo receta
~ 30 min


For the chocolate and almond cake

110 g finely ground almonds
190 g sugar
140 g of yolks
75 g egg
210 g egg whites
80 g sugar
65 g butter
70 g cocoa powder
60 g flour

For the coffee syrup

350 g sugar
630 g water
20 g of soluble coffee

For the vanilla sponge cake

420 g of Quescrem Natural
500 g cream 35% G.M.
76 g maple syrup
4 g vanilla seeds

White chocolate plates

2 units of white chocolate plates


Soak the chocolate sponge cake well so that the cake is not dry.



Almond and chocolate sponge cake

Put the almonds, the 190 g of almonds. sugar, the egg yolks and the whole egg until fluffy. On the other hand, whip the egg whites together with the other 80 g. sugar. Melt the butter and mix with a small part of the previous mixture. Sift the cocoa powder together with the flour. Fold the meringue into the other batter, add the cocoa powder, flour and cold melted butter. Mix gently. Fill molds previously greased and sprinkled with flour. Bake at 180°C with the flue open.


Coffee syrup

Mix everything together and bring to a boil.


Vanilla sponge

Mix everything together and whip in a mixer with a whisk attachment.


White chocolate plates

Temper and stretch white coating between two plastic guitar wraps. Cut the rectangles to the desired size and let crystallize.


Prick the almond and chocolate sponge cake and soak with the coffee syrup. Squirt a few large buttons of Quescrem Natural sponge with vanilla. Stick the white chocolate slabs on the two long sides, with a little vanilla Quescrem Natural sponge. Finish by decorating with fresh raspberries and blueberries and some herb leaves.

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