Exquisiña, a collaboration between Galician companies in the food sector

Collaboration. Sum of synergies. Working together for the good of each company, its environment and the industry. These were the most frequently heard words during the presentation event of this project. The three companies of Galician origin have been working for months on this joint project: from the collaboration and the sum of efforts, we want to enhance the value of food production made in Galicia. The main objective of the event, held at the Centro Superior de Hostelería de Galicia, was to draw attention to the need for collaboration between companies.

For this joint project, we have relied on two of the most relevant chefs in Galicia: Lucía Freitas and Pablo Gallego. The companies, which total about 2,700 employees and cooperative members, ordered a cheesecake recipe from the eggs of free-range hens at Pazo de Vilane (Antas de Ulla, Lugo); cream made in Ponte Maceira (Ames, A Coruña) from the milk of Feiraco’s cooperative members; and the creaminess and flavor of our cream cheese produced in Castro Riberas de Lea (Castro de Rei, Lugo).

The complete recipe is available here


The necessary union of the food sector.


The sum of synergies is essential in view of the challenges facing the sector.

This was stated by the Secretary General of CLUN-Feiraco, Juan Luis Gallástegui, during this morning’s presentation. “As the cooperative that we are, our way of being is the sum of our efforts,” said the general secretary of the CLUN cooperative, of which Feiraco is a member, during the event. Gallástegui pointed out that “CLUN always works to offer Galician quality because it has a positive impact on our rural areas”, noting that “this collaboration meets those conditions”, he explained.

The general manager of Pazo de Vilane, Nuria Varela-Puertas, believes that “as agri-food producers of the Galician countryside, we must bet on the incredible quality of the products well produced in Galicia, on animal welfare, as a conviction and for being vertebrating agents of the territory, one of the ways so that the Galician know-how is not lost in countless areas. This will be one of the ways to give long life to our sector and our gastronomy. We will be able to distinguish ourselves and survive the ups and downs of the market if we are different and defend what we do: produce healthy and rich food that protects the health of all people, wellbeing and our traditions”.

For his part, our general manager, Sergio Martínez, emphasized in his speech that “companies not only have the responsibility to offer consumers quality products, but also to promote the social and economic development of our environment, the rural environment. And to do so, of course, while generating as little environmental impact as possible with our activities. Innovation is a very powerful lever to achieve this objective because it allows us to find new and better solutions to the challenges that arise.


Exquisiña: innovation is the natural thing to do

This first joint project of the three Galician companies is a new cheesecake recipe created by chefs Lucía Freitas and Pablo Gallego. The EXQUISIÑA cake is a perfect combination of 3 healthy, sustainable Galician food products from companies that know that nature will always come first.

With EXQUISIÑA, Feiraco, Pazo de Vilane and us, we want to make a groundbreaking proposal: to return to healthy, natural pastries, with authentic flavor and based on the values of Galician cuisine: origin, quality, flavor… It is a commitment to the Galician pastries of a lifetime. EXQUISIÑA is made with ingredients produced in Galicia under strict criteria of animal welfare, innovation and quality.

The complete recipe to enjoy this recipe is available here


Three companies in the Galician food sector

Pazo de Vilane was created 25 years ago as the first free-range egg farm in Spain with the primary idea of taking care of its hens and giving them freedom in the evergreen pastures of Galicia, in order to obtain a unique free-range egg. With animal welfare and rural development at the core of its proposal, Pazo de Vilane marked the way forward in the production of free-range eggs. The company is today a reference in the poultry sector for its quality standards and the care of its hens. Its production reaches supermarkets throughout Spain.

Quescrem was founded in 2006 and is the first dairy company in Galicia to be accredited as a technology-based company. They make the only Galician mascarpone and the first cream cheese in the autonomous community. The raw materials they use come from farms located within a radius of 20 kilometers from their production plant, which ensures the maximum quality and freshness of their products. Its international presence has been gaining weight over the years and today the Quescrem brand can be found in 42 countries on 5 continents.

Feiraco was created more than 50 years ago in Negreira (A Coruña) to form a cooperative of Galician farmers with the objective of generating synergies that favor the development of the Galician countryside as well as a business model with 360% traceability; with a quality control of the product from the farm to your table. In 2017, together with the cooperatives Os Irmandiños and Melisanto, it undertakes the leading project in Galician cooperativism, joining together in a single cooperative: CLUN (Cooperativas Lácteas Unidas).

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