The Two Faces of Flavor’ Day

On the afternoon of Thursday, February 20, the Leioa School of Hotel and Catering will host a conference aimed at professionals in the hotel and catering industry with flavor as the main protagonist . An event where the central concept will be taste as a wholeThe concept of food, that is, not only as a sensory experience that we perceive through taste, but as the manifestation of a process in which multiple factors are involved: quality raw materials, R&D&I, culinary techniques, creativity and talent.

We will enjoy 3 exceptional presentations:

  • Celia Jiménez, head chef of the restaurant Celia Jiménez (Córdoba) and the first Andalusian woman to obtain a Michelin star , will perform a showcooking based on savory preparations.
  • Alfredo Machado, pastry chef of Tickets restaurant (Barcelona) and Best New Pastry Chef 2020 , who will focus his showcooking on the world of pastries.
  • Héctor López,Quescrem’s Executive Chef and head chefof the restaurant España (2 Soles Repsol) in Lugo and Sergio Martínez, Quescrem’s R&D&I Director , will talk about the tandem between cooking and food technology.

After the day, we will attend the awards ceremony for the winners of the 5th edition of the ‘Cooking with Quescrem’ contest. V edition of the ‘Cooking with Quescrem’ contest, after the grand finale disputed by the eight finalist hotel schools that same morning.

We will end the day with a cocktail party at the event venue.

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