Discover the innovative companies to be supported by Quescrem at BFFodd 2022

A new food bioadditive that will mature dairy and meat products faster and in a healthy and sustainable way. Microprotein of high nutritional value that will revalue by-products from the food industry. And a big data platform that will facilitate entry into the Chinese market, where Quescrem is the favorite of Spanish cheeses.

These achievements are from three startups named, respectively: Enzicas, ODS Protein and Entrii. These are the three innovation companies that Quescrem will support and mentor starting this year. A selection that, as you will see, has been very difficult…

42 Galician companies applied to the fourth edition of Business Factory Food (BFFood), the vertical accelerator of the Galician food sector of the Xunta de Galicia and the Food Cluster of Galicia (Clusaga). Leading Galician food companies such as Quescrem will support the 13 projects that have been finalists. Specifically, Quescrem has selected three firms to mentor and support them in their success.

Supporting Galician innovation is part of Quescrem’s CSR

For a technology-based company such as Quescrem, a specialist in cream cheese thanks to its continuous innovation, corporate social responsibility goes hand in hand with support for R&D&I, to which it devotes more than 6% of its annual turnover. It is not for nothing that it is the only Galician company qualified as a Technology-Based Company (IEBT) and for years it has kept the Innovative SME seal.

“Sharing our innovation within the food sector and supporting Galician companies makes us all stronger. For social responsibility, we want to give back to society the knowledge acquired in our 16 years of existence,” explained the company’s management.

Learn more about the selected companies and their amazing achievements:


    (Vigo) will produce microprotein of high nutritional value in a sustainable way, with a formulation and texture suitable for incorporation as an ingredient in various food industry products. The production process is based on precision fermentation, revaluing industrial by-products as a source of raw materials. This reduces the use of natural resources, i.e., greater profitability and sustainability.
  • ENTRII (Madrid) has developed a platform that, through Big Data and Machine Learning, allows companies in the food and beverage sector to automate their market entry and growth strategies in China and South Korea. It is possible through data processed on the platform from first-hand sources from the online and high street retail channels.
  • ENZICAS (Teo) will enable the generation of a new food additive from the cultivation of the fungus Aspergillus oryzae on chestnut starch. With it, he will create a new biotechnological solution that will reduce the maturation time of dairy and meat products by one third, thus reducing production costs in an innovative and sustainable way.

Quescrem has chosen these firms because they help solve major innovation challenges faced by the agri-food industry from Galicia.

The three innovative projects will now have access to a workspace where they will be accompanied by mentors, coaches and very specific technical services for their development, as well as funding from the regional government.

We will keep you updated on the progress of these startups… Their disruptive character is reminiscent of the origins of Quescrem, born as a spin off of a research project of the Technology Center of the University of Santiago de Compostela: the Aula de Productos Lácteos (Dairy Products Classroom).

We hope that these projects will help you to learn about the innovation of Galician companies and, if you want to contact them because they can be useful for your business, Quescrem’s team will be happy to help you.

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